Transfer of corporate IT-infrastructure managing or managing of any IT-process to outside company (outsourcer) is very efficient and useful, because it allows:
- in the firstplace — to increase the quality of operating of the enterprise information system and all of business processes due to qualitative and timely delivery of services.
- And that's true — because resources and capacity of IT-company as entire system intended to provide IT-services can't be compared with the separately taken employee.
- Secondly — financial accounts with IT-company is characterized by simplicity, transparency and flexibility, so all the services and their values are defined in the contract, and the level of service is reflected in SLA (Service Level Agreement).
- If you don't need of any IT-services, why you have to pay for it?
- And thridly — the level of safety and security of sensitive data when working with third-party outsourcing company is greatly increased, as the outsourcer will be liable for the privacy of all data obtained at its disposal.
- And most important — reputation of IT-companyis at stake!
You always can determine degree and the "depth" of interaction with the outsourcing company, namely:
External network or system adminitsrator
Transfer servicing a single unit of network hardware or software (eg, firewall). It will be much cheaper than to hire a qualified network security specialist.
External Administration Department
Transfer to service all the server infrastructure, leaving of IT-manager as an intermediary, who will interact with the experts of our company.
External IT-department
Transfer all IT-infrastructure management to outsourcing. Staff member (or members) of ITRas constantly working in the offices of your organization as enshrined IT-managers and they are becomes entry point for all tasks in the field of information technology.
Our company provides a high level of IT-services through the introduction of advanced technology and, of course, their highly qualified specialists in the field of IT-infrastructure management, telecommunications hardware, system and network administration, user's helpdesk.